Friday, 16 October 2015

What i enjoyed about this! because it was a new experience

What i think i done well!  my pictures i inserted

What i think i could improve on more?! the amount of time the video goes on for


  1. I like your helpful advice Room 8. In our school we had random bells ring so we had to drop cover and hold. I like how you have used powtoons to show us how to react to an earthquake

    1. thank you kaushal I appreciate your wonderful comment

  2. Hi Dayton,
    I like your Powtoon I was just wondering how you got the drop cover and hold on photos onto your powtoon, your Powtoon gave me some ideas for my next Powtoon, can’t wait to see some of your other work.

    1. Thanks Ryan you have save the image to your chrome book the upload it and insert

  3. Hi Dayton,
    I like your Powtoon I was just wondering how you got the drop cover and hold on photos onto your powtoon, your Powtoon gave me some ideas for my next Powtoon, can’t wait to see some of your other work.
